/ Research services

Our services

We offer a broad range of research services that align to the BehaviourWorks Method.

The Method is a comprehensive model for unpacking problems, understanding and prioritising behaviours and trialling interventions. We offer services that address individual sections of the Method as well as our Specialist Services for more specific needs.


The first phase of The Method focuses on defining, unpacking and building a shared understanding of 'the problem'.

Systems mapping

To help us identify and understand the bigger picture in which the problem occurs and who is involved in it (individuals, groups, organisations), we use a range of tools such as process, actor, and influence mapping.


Stakeholder consultation

This step helps us define the challenge and identify opportunities for action by engaging with key stakeholders involved in the problem using a range of engagement tools, such as surveys and Facilitated Dialogues.


Evidence reviews on the problem

To better understand what is known - and unknown - about the problem, in this step, we conduct literature and practice reviews to gather data and further define the problem.


Data mining

Te pro sint virtute vivendo, an oratio causae sensibus vis, est prima novum molestie ei. Sea ut reque pericula inciderint. Vim cu nostrud iuvaret, duo reprimique necessitatibus id.


Behaviour identification and prioritisation

After identifying the myriad of behaviours that could impact the problem, here, we use our Impact-Likelihood Matrix to prioritise and decide which behaviours we will choose to focus on for the intervention.


Deep dive

The second phase of the Method explores the context, barriers and motivations behind the target behaviour by taking a deeper look into the research evidence.

Understand behavioural influences

Through a range of methods, we explore why our audience engages or does not engage in a particular behaviour, what really matters to them and what is likely to change their behaviour.


Evidence reviews on "what works"

In this step, we engage with the research evidence and take a deep dive into the literature to understand "what's worked" elsewhere to promote similar behaviours.


Intervention development and co-design

By collating our knowledge and insights from the previous phases of The Method, here, we begin the development and co-design of an intervention strategy.



The final phase of The Method establishes the successful wrap up of an intervention trial; ensuring that trials are can be properly evaluated to have a measurable impact on behaviour.

Monitoring and evaluation

We use a range of robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) frameworks to identify which success measures are optimal to collect for the intervention trial.


Trial design and implementation

Before going straight to roll out, we first test several intervention options at a smaller scale by conducting field trials to observe and evaluate the interventions' impacts on behaviour.



Labitur erroribus quo no. Suscipit tincidunt persequeris ad his, ei eos solet singulis. Te pro sint virtute vivendo, an oratio causae sensibus vis, est prima novum molestie ei. Sea ut reque pericula inciderint. Vim cu nostrud iuvaret, duo reprimique necessitatibus id.


BWA specialist services

Our specialist services are designed in-house by our expert team of behavioural researchers.


BehaviourWorks’ hackathons are like short, intensive ‘design-sprints’. They give organisations the opportunity to view prospective programs, communications, products or services through a behavioural lens and ensure they resonate with audiences.


Facilitated Dialogues

To gain a deeper understanding of the problem under investigation, BehaviourWorks offers Facilitated Dialogues. These dialogues have been extensively tested with a range of different audiences and have proven to be highly effective in bringing stakeholders together to consider the latest evidence on the problem and identify evidence-based opportunities for action.


Rapid evidence and practice reviews

Evidence and Practice Reviews are a key input to our Facilitated Dialogues. Rapid Reviews are used to synthesise research
evidence within a short timeframe.

Our consortium partners

Ready to get started?

Experience tells us that many organisations need help defining the problem to begin with, so we normally recommend that organisations bring us in early to help unpack the problem.

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